The EvAngelistas

Art by Angela Deary and ekphrastic poetry by Evelyn Grace Quinlan. With incidental music by Eve Quinlan and Sophie Lorenzo, and photography by Sophie Lorenzo.

ekphrasis: noun, a literary description of, or commentary on, a visual work of art

'Ekphrasis is not about what the poet gets out of the painting, but what the painting gets out of the poet.'

                    Rick Mullin, poet

Welcome to our website which is dedicated to bringing visual art, music, and poetry together. We consider ourselves evangelists for all three art forms. We will be adding content incrementally, so do check back often to see how we are getting on. Meanwhile, enjoy the beautiful music below, played by our very own Sophie.

Best wishes,

Angela, Eve, and Sophie

All content on this site copyright © Evelyn Grace Quinlan, Angela Deary, Sophie Lorenzo, and other artists as indicated 2023 - present.

Email the Editor (Eve) at